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Publisher of the Ethereal Paris site, a simplified joint stock company with share capital of 10,000, whose Morning Star head office is located at 59 Boulevard de Suchet under number 819 833 443.

Contact address:

Address: 65 rue du Faubourg Saint Honore 75008 Paris

The site was created by the VISTA CENTURY CONSULTING Agency, whose head office is located at 18 rue de la Marseillaise, 75019 Paris, France.

Use of the site is governed by the general terms and conditions of use detailed here.

All users acknowledge having read and accepted them.

The website currently accessible from the URL address (the Site”), is published by Ethereal Paris, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of 10,000, whose head office is Morning Star is located at 59 Boulevard de Suchet under the number 819 833 443.

Ethereal Paris reserves the right to modify access to as well as the terms of the general conditions at any time and without notice (see below).

By User, we mean any person who visits the Site.

y Service(s), we mean the services associated with the Site and accessible from a fixed or mobile terminal.

Access and use of all or part of the Services offered on the Site imply full and complete acceptance on the part of the User of all of these General Conditions.

The User therefore confirms having read and understood the entirety of these General Conditions before any use of the services and undertakes to respect these General Conditions.



he Site is a website whose purpose is to present textile and cosmetic products called Ethereal (the Products”) to Users.


A newsletter is available to Users so that Ethereal Paris can keep them informed about the latest news from the Ethereal brand.



With the exception of the connection cost, access to the services is free and without prior registration fees or subscription. The equipment (computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, software, means of telecommunications, etc.) allowing access to the services are the exclusive responsibility of the users, as are the communications costs incurred by their use.



To use the services, the user must have equipment, software and settings necessary for the proper functioning of the services: the most recent version of the Internet browser, activation of Java script functions, reception of session cookies and acceptance of the display pop-up windows.

Please note, for full use of the services, you may need to have up-to-date Adobe flash software (download from Depending on your network configuration (behind a firewall or proxy) connection to our Site may not be possible.

The user must have the skills, hardware and software required for the use of the Internet, or where applicable, Internet services and recognizes that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet do not guarantee security, availability and integrity of data transmissions over the Internet.

Ethereal Paris does not guarantee that the services will be usable if the user uses so-called pop-up killer” software which prevents the occurrence of occasional ad windows.

In this case, this function must be deactivated before using the Services in order to benefit from them.

Ethereal Paris does not guarantee that the services will be usable if the User's Internet access provider fails to perform its own service.

The operation of the services may be temporarily interrupted for maintenance, updates or technical improvements, or to change the content and/or their presentation.



As part of the use of the services, the user undertakes to:

comply with applicable laws, respect the rights of third parties

and the provisions of the Terms of Use;

ehave fairly towards Ethereal Paris;

pect the intellectual property rights relating to the content

provided by Ethereal Paris;

provide, where applicable, accurate information regarding personal contact details as well as any information necessary for access to the Site's services and to regularly update this information.



All your questions relating toThe service, its partners, data concerning you or others are welcome. You can send us an email specifying your request in the subject to the address we will do our best to respond to you quickly.



All screens, graphics, content and other information present on the Site are the property of the company Ethereal Paris or their respective owners and protected by the Intellectual Property Code.


Therefore any reproduction, modification, distribution of these elements is prohibited without the express prior consent of its owner. As such and in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, only the use of the Site for private use is authorized by Ethereal Paris to users.


The user who has a personal Internet site and who wishes to place, for personal use, on his site a simple link referring to any page of the Site, must first request authorization from the company Ethereal Paris. In this case it will not be an implicit affiliation agreement. In any case, any link, even tacitly authorized, must be removed upon simple request from Ethereal Paris.


The User cannot represent, reproduce, modify, or more generally, exploit any element of the Site without the express prior authorization of Ethereal Paris.


Any unauthorized use of the Site constitutes acts of counterfeiting and entails the criminal and civil liability of the user.



Ethereal Paris is not responsible for non-functioning, inability to access, or poor conditions of use of the services attributable to unsuitable equipment, internal malfunctions of the access provider of the user, Internet network congestion, and for all other reasons.

Ethereal Paris makes its best efforts to make its Website available 24/7, regardless of scheduled maintenance operations, subject to the provisions of this article.

Access to the Site and services are provided on an as is” basis and are available on an as available” basis.

Ethereal Paris does not provide any express or implicit guarantee, including and without this enumeration being exhaustive the guarantees relating to the quality and compatibility of the Services for a specific use, and to the non-violation of the rules of use of the services by any user.



The user of the services is solely responsible for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial damage caused to the Site and/or third parties due to the use or exploitation of the services and guarantees Ethereal Paris the consequences of claims or actions. to which he could, therefore, be subject.


The user also waives the right to exercise any recourse against Ethereal Paris in the case of proceedings brought against him/her due to the use and/or exploitation of the Site.



These Conditions of Use and the pages of the Site to which they refer constitute a contract governing the relationship between the user and Ethereal Paris. They cancel and replace all previous provisions not expressly referred to or annexed and constitute the entirety of the rights and obligations of Ethereal Paris and the user relating to their subject matter and the Site.

If one or more stipulations of the Conditions of Use were declared null in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other stipulations will retain all their force and validity. scope, to the extent permitted by the said decision.

Furthermore, the fact for Ethereal Paris not to take advantage of a breach by the other party of any of the provisions of the Conditions of Use cannot be interpreted as a waiver on its part to take advantage in the future of such a failure.



Ethereal Paris reserves the right, at any time, to modify, interrupt temporarily or permanently and/or delete all or part of the services without informing users in advance. No liability for this fact can be incurred by Ethereal Paris.

Ethereal Paris reserves the right to modify or update, in whole or in part, the Conditions of Use at any time. We therefore invite users to refer to them regularly, in order to be aware of their latest version permanently available online on the Site.

In the event that the user does not adhere to the Conditions of Use of the Services, he or she is asked not to use the services of the Site.



These Terms of Use are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law, the language of interpretation being the French language.

Any dispute relating to the validity or execution of the Conditions of Use falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Paris.